Common Trading Mistakes to Avoid

When you start trading, getting new knowledge about it is a forever process that will lead to profit if you apply that knowledge to your trading. But, sometimes you make some mistakes which, if avoided, can cause a loss in trading. With time if you overcome those mistakes it will improve your trading outcomes. This article is for you if you want to find out the mistakes that go unnoticed by you and teach you about those common trading mistakes.

Top Trading Mistakes to Stay Away From

Some of the common mistakes beginner traders make while trading are:

1. Overtrading

At the start of your trading experience, you may be full of excitement and energy. But, don’t let these emotions overtake you which will lead you towards overtrading, and make it your first common trading mistake. Overtrading means excessively buying and selling in the trade market. Sometimes it can result in profit but mostly it comes with the loss.

2. Trading without a plan

When trading, always do it with a plan because sometimes you put a lot of capital in just one place without thinking of the outcome. So, to avoid loss and trading mistakes, create a proper forex trading plan that mentions the places you are trading your capital and the estimated outcome from it.

3. Not researching the market properly

Always do your research on the market you are trading in. Analyze the trends and position of the market before trading in it. Sometimes, you see the market having short-term gains and decide to trade in it, which is a common mistake beginners make in trading.

4. Risking too much

Don’t do risky trading in which you always are at the end of the cliff moment. With risks comes profit, but excess of everything is bad. Stepping out of your comfort zone is admirable but not always. Risking too much in trade can give you mental distress. Thus, it is suggested to have a risk management plan in place in order to ensure that you make good profits out of your trades.

5. Overconfidence

When you start getting profit in a continuous line, your confidence increases. But, at a point, it can lead to overconfidence, in which you are overconfident about your knowledge, abilities, and skills. It can lead to downfall. No matter how much profit you are earning, always be on the ground, not flying too high.

6. Emotion influenced decision-making

Emotions like greed and fear can become a major factor in your decision-making. Relying too much on your emotions can affect your trading in a negative light. Always be practical while making decisions in trading.

7. Failing to cut losses

Sometimes you don’t let go of a trade even though it makes a loss every time, you always hope to make a profit from it. This trading mistake should be avoided. You must let go of the trade like this. Most traders fail to cut these losses which leads to bigger losses.

8. Herding

Making a decision in trade that is different from others may be uncomfortable and you may follow the crowd in that case. This is called herding, one of the biggest and most common trading mistakes. It is okay to be different from others and make independent decisions.

9. Chasing market with strong past performance

Stop trading based on the strong past performance of a market. The present position must be kept in mind instead of the past. If a market performed great in the past, it doesn’t mean it will still be making a profit after 2-3 years.

10. Revenge Trading

Nobody likes to fail. They always search for the opportunity to prove themselves as winners. To prove yourself, you may walk down the path of revenge trading, which may lead to loss and regret. When you make a loss, you are either stressed or angry, making decisions at that moment is the worst thing you can do in trading. Take some time and start trading again with a relaxed mind, to avoid trading mistakes.


Breaking bad habits is easier said than done. We are familiar with the fact that we cannot change human nature. But, hopefully having knowledge and awareness about these common mistakes in trading will help you in avoiding costly mistakes. Also, in return, it potentially achieves better in the portfolio.

By Joseph